True Life Values

8 December 2013

We forget the true value of life more often than we'd like. We are encapsulated in vanity, greed and competition. We measure success by wealth and assets not by happiness. Often we don't realise what we've got until it's gone. Some may know that I lost a friend a few weeks ago to cancer. I still wake up thinking he's here but he's gone. Not gone, comma or gone, dot-dot-dot, but gone full-stop. 


I have never lost anyone this close to me before and a part of me dies every time I relive a memory of him because I know no new memories will be made...but I am also unbelievably thankful for all the good memories he has left us and it makes me value life a lot more for what it is. It makes me realise that I am so incredibly lucky to have food on my plate, a roof over my head, family and friends who love me, a sense of security and good health. We as a whole, complain too much and appreciate too little. I never want to lose sight of who I am and what I have. I never want to feel unhappy with what I have, because I have a lot more than most. So many people are denied the chance to grow old, to love and to be loved. We prioritise things all wrong; we put our careers before our families and money before our health. We put our assets before love and in the end, we will see our deaths before our lives.

We are scared we'll lose our money if we follow our dreams. We are scared we will be hurt. We are scared we'll be worse off in the end. We. Are. Scared. But we can't live our lives terrified of making mistakes. We are so afraid of living, that all we do is fearing. We literally scare ourselves to death. 

James, my friend - he was a passive person. He did what he wanted, and while he didn't exactly bungee jump or skydive on a daily basis. He had no fear. He was witty, intelligent and he made us laugh. He made us happy....and we need to be happy, more.

If I have appeared MIA for a while, well now you know why. I am living and you should too. I am a little behind on my blogging but I'm hoping to resume pace soon. now, cry later.


  1. The Video Game Dame13 January 2014 at 08:57

    First, I am sorry for your loss. It's always a challenge to find the "right" words to tell someone after they lose a person they truly cared about. I hope that you can always remember the amazing times that you had with your dear friend James. Always remember those times, because they will make you smile and get you through the trials of life.

    I enjoyed reading your blog, and I wish you much success in the future!

  2. @TheVideoGameDame
    Thanks, that means a lot to me :)


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